10 Superstitions, Traditions, and/or Personality Quirks

  1. I always duck my head when I drive under a railroad bridge, especially if there’s a train on it.
  2. I kiss two fingers and scratch the roof if I go through a yellow light. Okay, the visor, since Inga’s roof is usually down.
  3. I eat M&Ms and Skittles in pairs by color.
  4. Purple straw with my Slurpee, thank you.
  5. I always call out “Bread and butter!” when I split the pole with someone. They should respond with “Butter and bread,” of course.
  6. I carefully select the first song to be played through the stereo of any new car. Inga’s song was “Be Young, Be Foolish, Be Happy” by The Tams. Beach music is the bomb.
  7. We’re a “call when you get there” family. This tradition applies to parents and children, no matter what age group.
  8. Thou shalt eat Wicked’s recipe Chex Mix when watching the Florida-Florida State game. Thou shalt also call and make obnoxious noises when your team scores, and the rest of the family (who’s rooting for the other team) is a couple of states away.
  9. I have few close female friends who aren’t relatives–Kelly, Kathryn, and the Puffs. We all have some sort of ritual or inside joke that bonds us (Moe’s, Monty Python, frogs, tiaras). These are incomprehensible to outsiders, but they work for us.
  10. Crack the spines of my books, and you. will. pay.

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