A Look Back
Posted by mimi on Dec 31, 2013 in dish | 0 commentsAs usual, I began 2013 with all kinds of positive energy and ended up limping to the finish line. It wasn’t a failure of a year, but I didn’t take the world by storm, either (not that it was on my list). As a teacher, I’m always asking my students to reflect on their work so that they can chart a pathway to improvement. In that spirit, here’s how 2013 went for me:
Redesign the website – completed this and redesigned site for a couple of friends as well, so this was a solid plus.
Keep in touch with my girls – not as regular as I’d hoped, but thanks to iMessage, FaceTime, and a trip to RWA in Atlanta, hanging with my Puffs was definitely a highlight.
Love up on my family – even when I’m cranky about the entire world, they’re the best.
Write morning pages – I went great guns until the new school year started in August, and then the piles of paper ate my notebook. Ouch.
Start using cash instead of burning up my debit card – Still no. Sorry, Dave Ramsey.
Continue Operation Kerosene, aka “get all that junk out of my house before I have to pile it in the driveway and set it on fire.” – More junk added when my mother sold my childhood home and downsized. I despair of ever getting Inga back in the garage.
Go to bed with a shiny sink à la the Flylady – Thank goodness for Wendy, the House Elf.
Establish an accountability system for writing – I really need a critique group or partner, but time constraints…Oy.
Revise and submit the Hell’s Belles series to Dream Agent – after consideration and discussion with Dream Agent, shelved for the present to work on another project.
Draft the proposal for the first Arden Grove High book – mostly there.
Create a blog schedule and stick to it – again, went great guns, then off the rails. More planning needed.
Move more – got a Fitbit for Christmas!
Eat less – not so great, but at least I didn’t gain any. Stasis is my current killer.
Sayonara, 2013. Fresh start, here I come.