Black Is the Color of My Own True Hair
Posted by mimi on Mar 22, 2008 in dish | 3 commentsWell, not black, actually, but very, very dark brown. With white. Lots of white. I am my father’s daughter, after all.
I finally made the decision to let my hair go natural. Natural, for me, will be lots of grey (white) mixed in with this incredibly dark brown that my mom says came straight off my Charleston great-grandmother’s head. Or maybe my Portuguese great-grandmother from her side of the family. Either way, it’s very unlike the medium golden brown I’d been coloring it.
Since color had finally been decided, I worked up the nerve to get it cut, too. Now it’s shorter, curlier (trĂ©s bouncy), and whiter. My students call that blaze a wisdom streak. Let’s hope they’re right. What the cut really shows is the huge difference between natural me and Clairol me. Did you know that haircolor oxidizes on your head? Oxidizes, as in rusts. Which is why “golden” haircolor starts to look red after a while.
All this goes to show that I’ll never end up on a makeover show. The first two things they do are 1) color grey hair and 2) straighten curly hair. Since I’ve made my peace with both, guess you won’t be catching me on How Do I Look? anytime soon!
So what do you think…am I crazy, or just comfortable?
Good for you for having the confidence to let your hair be what it wants to be! I made peace with my curls a few years back – gave up on straightening and blow-drying. I only have the occasionaly gray hair that I immediately pluck, of course, I know that will change someday;-) Not sure if I’ll allow the gray to stay or not…
I’m willing to go curly now, too. However I’m dishwater blonde naturally so the gray doesn’t show yet.
I’m far from at peace with my grey, but have finally come to terms with the curl. After 10 years I have finally stopped straightening it. Go Me! and GO YOU!