Books and Cooks: Christmas Edition



November’s Books and Cooks got pre-empted because so many of us couldn’t make it. We were supposed to have read Stolen Lives. I bought a copy. It’s been riding around in the trunk of my car for a month and a half. I know it’s an inspirational story of the indomitable human spirit, but I just couldn’t get myself to crack it open. I know the ending is basically happy (they get out, right?), but something about reading about a family that’s tossed in a hole in the desert and practically starved to death just didn’t do it for me. I think my happy ending meter was sounding the warning klaxon, or something. I did make some yummy couscous, though. Good stuff.

One fun thing about our December meetings is the random book exchange. We each bring one book, draw a number, and get a new book to take home. This year, we all mysteriously got exactly the right title to fit our respective personalities of current interests. So what does it say about me that I got this:

Cover Image

Yes, it’s a comedy about Armageddon. Should be fun!

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