Dr. Jill Biden, our new “Second Lady,” really classes up the joint. Since her husband’s election to the Vice Presidency, she could stop working and focus on hostessing or whatever the wives of the Vice Presidents do. Instead, she fought to keep working as a college professor of English. And not at Georgetown, or American University, or some other high-dollar campus. She took a position at Northern Virginia Community College, because she enjoys working with that group of students. That says a lot about her character.
Her story is well-known. She married Joe Biden when he was a widower with two small boys. Those boys, now grown men, call her “Mom.” In fact, she married the whole family when she said yes to Joe and took the boys on their honeymoon. She’s worked during practically their whole marriage, and she’s a walking, talking, very fashionable example of how capable a smart woman can be. Yep, I love me some Jill Biden!
I like her, too. The Dr. thing is pretty impressive.