
So I’m reading through my college magazine and come across an item about a former boyfriend. Not just a former BF, but the one who broke my heart. Everyone has one of those, right? The one who says and does all the right things, then smashes your heart and your self-esteem along with it? The one who taunts you into dialing while drunk, or evokes long epistles begging for things to be set aright? The one who haunts you during late nights?

I don’t know about you, but even today, years (and I mean yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaars) later, I still get a twinge when I read that name. So, like many of us do, I Google him.

Turns out he hasn’t had a horrible life despite the voodoo that my roommates and friends wished upon him. He’s married to the same woman (one he dumped in spectacular fashion a couple of relationships before me, but reconciled with), has some kids, good job. He’s in Rotary and holds a leadership position in his church. Fine and dandy.

I did get some evil satisfaction at the pictures, though–the Pat Riley hairdo alone (Why in the hell do guys think that’s a good look? The mind boggles) is enough to assuage some of the lingering aftereffects of having my romantic ass handed to me. That, and the fact that DH, the ONE after all, is way cuter. And not just because I say so–he’s empirically cuter, even when he’s all grubby from doing lawn work and especially when he’s all dressed up. And our babies are gorgeous, if I do say so myself. Plus, he’s unfailingly kind to old ladies and loves dogs.

So maybe I owe “The Creature” a note of thanks. After all, if I hadn’t been dumped, I wouldn’t have discovered a true prince.

1 Comment

  1. Ain’t that the truth? I know exactly what you mean.

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