CrazyBusy–You Think??
Posted by mimi on Apr 12, 2006 in dish | 2 commentsAccording to ADD expert/psychiatrist Edward M. Hallowell, many of us can now call ourselves “CrazyBusy” because of our hectic lifestyles.
Hallowell has invented terminology to define behaviors the CrazyBusy indulge in. Any of these sound familiar?
- Screensucking – Wasting time looking at screens (TV, ‘Net, video games). Check.
- Taildogging – Pushing yourself/your kids/your spouse because other people are doing things you aren’t, or in other words, The Syndrome Formerly Known As Keeping-Up-With-the-Joneses. Me, not so much. Too tired and, since I’m a teacher, no funds anyway.
- Frazzing – Bad multitasking. Depends on the time of day. After dinner, I’m toast. DH frazzes pretty much 24/7, and he admits it.
- Doomdarts – Some obligation you forgot suddenly stabs you right between the eyes. Check. Usually when I’m just drifting off to sleep and destroying any hope of sleep soon.
- Kudzu – Unkillable stream of minor crap bogging down everyone. I have two children, a husband, and teach teenagers. Hello??
- Info addicts – People who have to know what’s going on all the time everywhere. Depends on what info you need. I admit to slavish reading of the WENN gossip on IMDb every morning. That, and letters to the editor in the paper. Lots of idiots live in my end of the world, and it is fun to mock them over breakfast.
Hallowell makes a good point, but frankly, it doesn’t take an expert to identify this syndrome. Most of us have called it by its other name for years: MOTHERHOOD.
I too have all those crazy-making things!
Kathy 🙂