Dawn of the Dead
Posted by mimi on May 22, 2005 in dish | 0 commentsYesterday, we said our goodbye to the Class of 2005. They graduated at ten am, and last night at midnight we herded them into Project Graduation. We sprung ’em at five this morning. They were tired. We were tired. We crawled under the covers a little after six and didn’t make a peep until well after noon.
I’m a zombie.
Of course, it doesn’t help that we’re in the last week of school, so I’m mostly zombified anyway. Anyone who thinks teachers have an easy job because they have summer months off is nuts. We’re wrecked at this time of year, having expended a year’s worth of emotional and mental energy in ten months. People in the corporate sector who think their jobs are tough ought to try working with kids all day. Think about your own children and how tired they make you. Now think of a class full of other people’s children–you know, those same people who don’t teach their kids manners and let them rot in front of a TV all day–and you might get a clue what I mean.
Last night was fun, though. It’s fun to watch ultracool high school seniors play like little kids, or stuff their faces with hot wings. It’s lots of fun to shoot at them in the Laser Tag arena, and hear them laughing when they shoot you and yell, “That’s for the research paper!!” It’s evil fun to turn on the earthquake simulator they fell asleep in at 3 am (I am so bad).
A little lost sleep is worth it if they’re off the streets, not drinking, and not getting themselves in trouble for their graduation night. Congratulations, Class of 2005. We’ll miss you.
At least we will when we’re finally conscious.