
icedtea-21If there’s one thing Southern gals know how to do, it’s gab. Silly or serious, all it takes is a glass of iced tea and time. Pull up a chair, kick off your shoes, and make yourself comfy…get ready to dish!

For Auld Lang Syne

Posted by on Dec 31, 2007 in dish | 2 comments

This is it…the last day of 2007. It’s been a decent year overall for Chez mimi. Not so much for friends and family. In my group of loved ones, at least three pending divorces, money troubles, an extended combat tour for baby bro, etc., etc. Writing slowed down considerably, and there was an overwhelming sense of blah. Kind of like tonight’s gray, drizzly weather.On the plus side, we added Princess Sophie (the new Brittany, a rescue from a family that couldn’t keep her). We how have twice the bounce and two counter...

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Girl Time

Posted by on Dec 29, 2007 in dish | 4 comments

Girl Time

Today, I took my soon-to-be sister-in-law (she’s engaged to Baby Bro, and they’ll be married whenever he gets back from his latest round of Mideast fun) for a pedicure. Hers are coral; mine are O.P.I. “I’m Not Really a Waitress.” Maybe I should have checked this out first:Your Toes Should Be WhiteA little funky and a little fresh, you’re constantly evolving your flirting style.Your ideal guy: A witty brainiac with hottie potentialStay away from: Overly dorky guys who become obsessed with youWhat Color...

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Taking Stock

Posted by on Dec 28, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Yes, I know, it’s ridiculously early in the morning, but I have a raging case of vacation insomnia going. That, or all the caffeine from those 3 large cups of iced tea I drank at dinner is smackin’ me down with a vengeance. I’ve spent the last two days in download-the-CDs-to-iTunes tedium (Santa brought me an iPod video–yay!), so all this time in front of the screen is makin’ me think. And infosnack at Wikipedia.Back to the thinking. I’ve upgraded my template (woo hoo!), losing my booklist and several links...

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Pinup Girl

Posted by on Dec 26, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Pinup Girl

The universe works in strange ways. Yesterday, DH opened the three parts of his Christmas present. This year’s theme: Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n Roll. He got a book about the 50s pinup wars called Bettie Page Rules!, a bottle of Hogshead scotch, and tickets to Foo Fighters (okay, those were partially for me). Today, I take a Blogthings quiz called “What Famous Pinup Are You?” and lo and behold,You Are Bettie PageGirl next door with a wild streakYou’re a famous beauty – with a unique lookAnd the people who like...

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Merry Christmas!

Posted by on Dec 25, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Merry Christmas!

I don’t know about you, but I’d be pretty happy if I was spreading joy and cheer all over the globe, too. Even if people around this time of year tend to be, ironically, cranky and unforgiving of other people’s flaws. I still say giving is better than receiving, so Santa’s got the right idea.

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Books and Cooks: Christmas Edition

Posted by on Dec 19, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Books and Cooks: Christmas Edition

I’M GIVING: I’M SERVING: MOROCCAN COUSCOUS AND VEGETABLESNovember’s Books and Cooks got pre-empted because so many of us couldn’t make it. We were supposed to have read Stolen Lives. I bought a copy. It’s been riding around in the trunk of my car for a month and a half. I know it’s an inspirational story of the indomitable human spirit, but I just couldn’t get myself to crack it open. I know the ending is basically happy (they get out, right?), but something about reading about a family that’s...

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Ten on Tuesday: New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by on Dec 18, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

After checking out the Thursday13 and 10 on Tuesday memes, I think I have to go with Tuesday. Fave day of the week. Plus, I am a Tuesday’s child (“fair of face,” if you can believe that!). So, Ten New Year’s Resolutions. Maybe since I’m thinking of them early and not just because it’s January 1 and all the pressure’s on, I might actually keep some of them:Chew my food. Slow down and taste instead of bolt, and maybe some of those pounds will come off.Laugh with my kids more. There’s never enough...

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Okay, So That Fits

Posted by on Dec 16, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Okay, So That Fits

Just dropped by my friend Macy’s blog to check things out, and she had an interesting post, her Harry Potter personality type. She’s Severus Snape, hahaha. So I had to check out myself, and lo and behold:Harry Potter Personality Quiz by Pirate Monkeys Inc.That figures. Although I’m not quite sure what they mean about a short attention sp…

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Champs at the Tramp!

Posted by on Dec 1, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Family fun today–got to attend the C-USA Championship game between one of my alma maters, the University of Central Florida, and Univ. of Tulsa. Frick and Frack ate it up. Plus, we got to shake the house, doing the bounce to Zombie Nation:Not only does our new stadium bounce, but our marquee RB, Kevin Smith, moved up to #2 on the NCAA All-Time season rushing list–right behind Barry Sanders. We romped and stomped: 44-25. Liberty Bowl bound! Go Knights!

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Posted by on Nov 30, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Okay. If I can somehow write 9,100 words between now and midnight, I can still be a winner in this year’s NaNoWriMo.But since the squirrels are currently playing handball with what’s left of my cranium right now, I can’t see that happening. As it is, I racked up about 8K today, which is a hellacious output. Just not enough to make up for several days this month where my brain went to Never Land and didn’t inform me of its flight plan first.I have to say, I got up this morning at 4:15 am with express intention of...

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