
icedtea-21If there’s one thing Southern gals know how to do, it’s gab. Silly or serious, all it takes is a glass of iced tea and time. Pull up a chair, kick off your shoes, and make yourself comfy…get ready to dish!

What Really Matters: Political Edition

Posted by on Nov 23, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Much is being made these days over trivial matters, at least when it comes to candidates for President: Clinton’s “boys’ club” remarks. Obama’s flag pin, or lack thereof. Edwards’s hair. Romney’s flips (or flops). Thompson’s energy level. Giuliani’s wives, plural. Kucinich’s UFOs. Nearly all the Republicans namechecking Ronald Reagan as if he were the second coming (yeah, right). Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Whatever happened to issues? You know, information about how these...

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Posted by on Nov 22, 2007 in dish | 1 comment

I find there are far too many adults who are cranky and ungrateful. Instead, they carp about what they don’t like, what’s done wrong (in ther eyes), how other people are, etc., etc. Get trapped in one of these litanies and you’ll see what I mean. I admit to being the cranky sort on occasion, but today, I find I have far more to be thankful for than not. To wit:My daughter and son are curled up on the sofas with our dogs. What would life be without them–children or dogs?I have a messy kitchen thanks to a morning of...

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NaNo Update, Week #3

Posted by on Nov 21, 2007 in dish | 2 comments

Still behind–about 2,500 words off last year’s pace, which was behind enough in its own right. And I’d been sick for three days. Then. I have no excuse now! Using Chris Baty’s suggestion of 1,667 words per day to make writing 50K in 30 days manageable, I’m more off the pace than on. I owe more words than I’ve written.That’s okay. I think I’m out of a bog. Past Chapter 5, at least. I’m having a really hard time not just letting go and moving on, which must be the key if this is to work at...

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NaNo Update, Week #2

Posted by on Nov 15, 2007 in dish | 1 comment

As I supposed, I’m behind. Got some good writing done tonight, though. Amazing what free time and a child-free atmosphere can do for your powers of concentrations. I am really looking forward to having time off next week so I can catch up!

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Criminal Misrepresentation

Posted by on Nov 14, 2007 in dish | 1 comment

You know, it always seems that when Florida is featured on a TV show, the Hollywood folks get it wrong. Like the TV movie of Their Eyes Were Watching God. Most of the book is set in Eatonville, about a mile from my house. At one point, Janie is heading down to a lake for a swim–not that would any self-respecting Floridian go for a swim in a lake at twilight, when it’s gator feeding time anyway–and she walks through a twenty-foot swath of goldenrod to get there. Hello? Goldenrod doesn’t grow here! Or the more infamous...

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Snip, Snip

Posted by on Nov 8, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Today, a haircut. This isn’t earth-shattering news, but it’s been a while. A bra-strap length while, actually. Hair with my kind of curl doesn’t need to go that long, especially since my favorite shoes are a variety of Birkenstock–Tatamis, the cute ones, but Birkenstock nonetheless. Add the streaky going-back-to-natural hair, and you have a recipe for granola girl, which is so not me. As I told Maria, I’m one Stevie Nicks handkerchief hemline away from a walking cliché. Yipes.Maria gets aggressive with the...

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NaNo Update, Week #1

Posted by on Nov 7, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Week One of NaNoWriMo is ending, and I am already seriously behind. My first two days I was ahead of the curve, mostly thanks to a complete synopsis that I’d typed out and divided up amongst the twenty planned chapters of the book. So the word count is including the synopsis words, which will be replaced by text words as the weeks go on. Fair enough.As usual, my problem is that damned internal editor. You know, the one that wants an actual logical entrance and exit from each scene, the one who wants things to make sense and be nearly...

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Tuesday Ten: TV Shows on DVD

Posted by on Nov 6, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Drat that wench Macy O’Neal. She knows what a procrastinator I am and tags me anyway for a Tuesday Ten. She’s probably figured out that once I get started, I must continue–pretty much my OCD limit, but there you have it. *sigh* So now I have to come up with Ten TV shows I’d like to have or already have on DVD. Kind of a problem, since I’m a big cheapskate and don’t buy TV shows on DVD. But if I did, here are my picks:1) A&E’s Pride and Prejudice. Okay, so it’s a mini-series and not...

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Here We Go Again

Posted by on Nov 1, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Here We Go Again

Not satisfied with one round of crazy, we embark yet again on the month-long insanity which is NaNoWriMo.Stepping into the batter’s box, Life After Little League–a little romance, a little women’s fiction, a little like me. Sort of. At least, the mom and the baseball part. Divorced, not so much (thank God). Forward into the breach…

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Books and Cooks: Eat, Pray, Love

Posted by on Oct 23, 2007 in dish | 0 comments

Books and Cooks: Eat, Pray, Love

WE’RE READING: I’M SERVING: FEIJOADA (BRAZILIAN BLACK BEAN STEW)An old friend of mine (Macy O’Neal, holla!) recommended this to me, so I included it in my choice list when I hosted Bs&Cs last month. It won, so there you have it. Briefly, Elizabeth Gilbert goes through an horrific divorce, then spends a year finding out who she really is through the pursuit of pleasure in Italy, spirituality at an Indian ashram, and balance in Bali, Indonesia.Interesting conversation on this one. Most of us agreed that the notion of...

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