If there’s one thing Southern gals know how to do, it’s gab. Silly or serious, all it takes is a glass of iced tea and time. Pull up a chair, kick off your shoes, and make yourself comfy…get ready to dish!
Operation Kerosene Update #4
I have now successfully weeded off the dry sink in my kitchen and done something productive with all those school papers and reports cards and such. The paper flood has been dammed and tidied and filed, and now I can actually get to the cookbooks.I nearly blew up our shredder tearing through pages and pages of old check stubs, credit cards statements from years ago (shamefully, some with a 19– year prefix), receipts, automatic payment reminders, mutual fund buy notices, and else. Lots else. Two kitchen-sized bags full of shred. I could...
read moreDeb Dixon, Goddess!
Survived a virtual butt-kicking from the inimitable Deb Dixon, she of GMC fame. Great program today from CFRW. Got the streamlined GMC this morning, which amazingly I have never attended before, and a special workshop on the Big Black Moment this afternoon.Considering that the writign has been, well, waysided for a bit, this was a good hook to yank me back into the fold. And I figured out why the book was bogging down so badly. No interaction! So now Hero Man will be up underneath her and the farm business while she blithely tries to fix...
read moreThe Bed List/The Dinner List
Bed and Dinner, summer blockbuster edition!BED LIST: ALAN RICKMANThis choice is based on the body of work, starting with the lovely Truly, Madly, Deeply. He does bad boys (Die Hard, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves), good guys (Col. Brandon in Sense and Sensibility), tarnished souls (Love, Actually), and downright goofy (Dr. Lazarus in Galaxy Quest). Plus, he’s the one and only, perfect Severus Snape. Smart, and that marvelous accent to boot. How ’bout we Expelliarmus with the clothes?DINNER LIST: BRAD BIRDThis is the brain and...
read moreOperation Kerosene Update #3
AmVets came today and took with them five boxes o’stuff. Linens from the aforementioned cleaned-out closet, a lamp and night light from DS’s room that no longer go with the decor, outgrown clothing, and a few odds and ends. Liberating!Unfortch, there’s no break from the endless laundry and floor cleaning that must take place in a regular household, and somehow we’ve lost track of a couple of vital tools (rubber lint brush, where art thou?), but progress continues apace. DD is down to her last box, and then we have to...
read moreOff to Read the Wizard
We just got back from a release party for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows–read the first two chapters aloud in the car already. Looks like this one will be cracker. Back later…UPDATE7:45 am, all done. In all, a balanced book. Laughter and tears, good and evil, and a fitting ending. Didn’t all I wanted, nor all of my questions answered, but fitting. It’ll be wonderful to introduce these books to my grandkids someday.Now to put the book on DS’s bedside table. He has dibs.
read moreFloridiots
Off we go to cause traffic disruption in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. Or, as the denizens of such mountains refer to us as we sea-level creatures navigate windy, two-lane roads, act like Floridiots. Kinda clever moniker, actually. Wish we could come up with something equally snappy to refer to the crazy NY/NJ/Ohio drivers who invade us every summer…Don’t expect much in the next week or so, as we’ll be celebrating DD’s birthday and enjoying a temperature and humidity break. Ah, vacation!
read morePlaying Nice in the Political Sandbox
By now, the informed world is familiar with the Hardball smackdown/sandbagging (choose your term based upon which side of the political fence you graze) featuring conservative pundit Ann Coulter and Elizabeth Edwards, wife of presidential candidate John Edwards. Video clips abound in the blogosphere, in case you’ve been under a rock or, as we Florida teachers have been, waiting less and less patiently for Tallahassee to release those blasted school grades.Lessons from the Coulter/Edwards encounter abound, and I wouldn’t consider...
read moreMiss Mimi Thinks About Washington
One of the great things about Netflix is their deep catalog. That, and being able to log on and add something to your queue every time a “Hey, that looks like a good movie” thought crosses your mind. Because of one of those random thoughts, the Frank Capra/Jimmy Stewart classic Mr. Smith Goes to Washington arrived in my mailbox this week.I admit, I’m a sucker for “how to straighten out the country” kinds of movies like Dave and The American President, so it’s amazing it’s taken me this long to watch...
read moreHedonism Run Amok
So I go to iTunes and download music. This isn’t something I normally do, and I’m ashamed to admit that my iTunes choices aren’t hip, groundbreaking, or anything that would cement my status as a cool chick. They are, however, fun tunes for walking and driving. My latest blush-inducing purchases:”Jump” – Madonna”Love Can Move Mountains” – Celine Dion”Fake” – Alexander O’Neal”Criticize” – Alexander O’Neal”Comin’ Home Baby”...
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