First Footings
Posted by mimi on Jan 1, 2012 in dish | 0 commentsNew Year’s Day is a big deal in the Scottish culture. Trust me, you haven’t partied until you’ve done it with people in kilts and bagpipes. “Auld Lang Syne” was written by Robert Burns, remember? Hogmanay, as the celebration is called, has a number of traditions, but one of the most fun is the First Footing. According to Scottish tradition, the first person to cross the threshold of your home in the new year will determine the kind of year you’ll have.
Well, I’m not combing my friends list to find a tall, dark-headed male in the superstitious hope that this year will somehow be better than last. What I am going to do, however, is be sure that my steps are aimed toward making this year a successful one. That means steps toward fitness, steps away from mindless eating, steps back into creativity, and steps leaving overwhelming stress and worry behind. Sounds easy when you put it that way, right?
May 2012 be a happy, healthy, and prosperous year!