Gutsy Broad: Elizabeth Edwards
Posted by mimi on Jan 4, 2008 in dish | 0 commentsOkay, I admit it. I have a fangirl crush on Elizabeth Edwards. There’s just something about her I really respond to. Like her willingness to call out rude, mean-spirited behavior (yes, I’m talking about that Coulter woman). Or to keep on keepin’ on despite a cancer diagnosis–and recurrence. She lost a son in a car accident. She has two small kids at home and a daughter in college. Her husband’s running for President, and despite the aforementioned small kids, cancer, etc., she’s on the campaign trail because she believes in his message. Talk about a Steel Magnolia! That’s my kind of Southern belle.
You don’t have to like John Edwards. But you do have to admit that he showed excellent judgment when he married Elizabeth.