Job Interview

Conservative clothing choice, check.
Resume, check.
Positive attitude, check.

I answer the questions. I look at both of the interviewers. I explain myself. I get to ask questions. Everything seems to go fine. So why am I so nervous?

Because in the ultimate wisdom of my state, I may not be good enough to keep teaching at my own school (read: my–and my colleagues’–numbers aren’t high enough), so in order to keep my job, I have to re-apply. I don’t plan to bore you with the many, many reasons why this is farcical, not the least of which is my continued dedication to the school and its students despite the fact that transferring elsewhere would mean a huge drop in my workload and overall stress.

News flash: If students at a school continue to fail, and the school has been working its collective *ss off to help them succeed, perhaps the interviews need to be conducted with the students and their parents.

But that would be political suicide, so here I am, all dressed up, with no definitive timeline for when I’ll find out whether I have my job, or if today was a total waste of makeup.

Education in these United States. Never have so many done so much for numbers on an almighty spreadsheet. Is there any wonder we’re having trouble attracting and keeping quality teachers? Talk amongst yourselves.

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