
One thing owning a convertible teaches you is to put things away. Lock them in the trunk, take them with you, whatever, but put ’em away. Especially if you park with the roof down.

I’m pretty good about putting things up when I leave the top down. But there are some things I just don’t worry about, like my parking tag, the flower in my vase (Inga is a Beetle, after all), and my goggles. Ah, the goggles. Bright yellow obnoxious biohazard goggles Mrs. Comic Book bought me from Hot Topic when I got Inga. I’ve worn them. Frack has worn them (and had her picture taken by strange people while doing so). I’ve been parking with the top down for three years now, and the goggles have been fine. Normally, they hang from the rear-view mirror.

Until today. Some jerkface took ’em right out of my car. While we were at Little League, no less. Reasonably, the culprit is either 1) an adult with no morals, 2) a kid. I’d think a kid, since bright yellow goggles really aren’t an adult thing (unless you’re me, and you have a silly side). If it is a kid, though, that makes it an adult problem: What adult, when realizing that a child of theirs is now in possession of something the adult in question didn’t purchase, lets the child keep it? If my kids came home with some stray sunglasses or whatnot, you can bet they’d face the Spanish Inquisition about the new item. Stealing is trés uncool at Chez mimi. Too bad more people just don’t get it.

So now I’m goggle-less, pissed–at myself for being a trusting soul in an untrustworthy world, and at nameless thief for being a jerkface–and forlorn. What could possibly have the same cachét as bright yellow biohazard goggles?

1 Comment

  1. Okay, that *really* stinks. I love those goggles on you. I also love your trusting free spirit, Mimi. I know this is a bitter pill, but please don’t let it poison you. There’s an old saying — maybe Zen?? — that goes to the tune of, “If you lose something, it means there’s some poor soul that needs it more.” (Easy for me to say, I know). If a kid took them, perhaps he/she needed this lesson to learn it’s not okay to take what doesn’t belong to you. Too bad he/she had to learn with your cool goggles. I will keep my eyes out for another pair for you.


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