My Wish for Us
Posted by mimi on Nov 8, 2006 in dish | 0 commentsWe came, we voted, we waited for Virginia and Montana to get the final numbers straight on their Senate races. Now that the 2006 election is all over but the recounts, some thoughts for my beloved Florida and beyond:
- Note to President Bush: The voters really have handed you a mandate this time. Listen to them. Try to remember what you were like when you were governor of Texas. You still know what “consensus” is, right? Try it.
- Note to politicians: Your job is to serve US, not your party.
- Speaking of politicians…ethics are a good thing. Find some.
- Note to political parties: Your job’s just beginning. Both of you need to prove that you’re more beholden to the electorate than to fundraisers and PACs if you want to regain our respect.
- Note to citizens: Your job is to be involved in the process, not act as armchair quarterbacks. If you don’t vote, don’t complain.
- Note to Charlie Crist, my new governor: Have the common sense to listen to the common people now that the election’s over. You want solutions to knotty problems? Ask the people involved. I guarantee if you pull 20-odd teachers from the toughest schools in the state (aka the “failing schools”), they’ll tell you exactly what to do to straighten things out. You just need to listen to them.
- Note to Alex Sink, my new state CFO: Go all Bank of America audit on their asses. Bet you find plenty of money wasted that could be put to better use. Start with the Department of Education, ‘kay?
- Three words: checks and balances. None of the three branches should run roughshod over the other. Your primary responsibility is to the country, not to voters with R or D on their registration cards.
- We put you in office, and we’ll take you out.