No, No, NaNo
Posted by mimi on Oct 28, 2009 in dish | 0 commentsAlas, mimi has come to the devastating decision that she will not be participating in NaNoWriMo this year. This is where mimi’s latent OCD rears its ugly head because now her three-year streak has been broken. Plus, this year’s icon has fun colors instead of last year’s barf brown, alas.
However, it’s still a barrel of fun, so if you’ve been pondering, hie on over to the WriMo website, sign in, and dive in. It’s fun, you get tons of writing done, and you get a cool web badge like this one to display when you “win.”
But not mimi, not this year. She has to stop listening to the siren call of the new hot idea and finish the dang rewrite already. Pray for her. The siren at Chez mimi is awful loud.