Operation Kerosene

We’re finally out of school, so I may now finally turn my attention to my house, aka Clutter Central. We’re talking Defcon 4 with the clutter. I keep threatening to rent a Bobcat, push everything out into the driveway, douse liberally with Kerosene, and toss in a match. Clean, decisive, and probably illegal in the burbs.

That leaves Plan B, which is do it the hard way. Go through the house, room by room, paring down, tossing out, donating, and keeping only that which has earned a place. Not so easy when we have four clutterbugs contributing to the mess. But it’s try, or get dragged down to 33rd for arson (even if it is all my own stuff).

So today, we’re making a start. DH is finishing the floor in DD’s room–yay! DS and I have been going through the bins of books, junk, etc. that DH brought in as a temporary cleanup measure. Amazing that half his bookshelf is Dr. Seuss when he’s just turned 10. Yikes! And what is it with 10-year-old boys and toys with 20 million pieces-parts (think Lego and K’Nex)?? And Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. And Heroclix. And, and, and. Not to mention the sand they drag in from school (we could start our own beach with what they empty from their shoes every day).

At least I can point to a little bit of progress. DS’s books are in order, we hung some pictures, and you can walk from the door to the bed without tripping over a bin or impaling yourself on a K’Nex rod. Onward to the closet and the flood pants and ripped T-shirts.

Tomorrow, DD’s furniture begins to migrate back into her room. There is hope that I might be able to invite people unrelated to me to have dinner sometime this summer. I’ll keep you posted.

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