Overflowing With Blessings
Posted by mimi on Nov 26, 2009 in dish | 0 commentsCornucopia
Etymology: Late Latin, from Latin
cornu copiae “horn of plenty”
This year, like every year, I have so much to be thankful for. This year, like every year, I get so busy worrying about what’s wrong, I forget to be truly grateful for all that’s right. Here are some things I’m thankful for today:
- A family who sticks together, even when we get on each other’s nerves.
- A house that’s a mess, which reminds me of the abundance in our lives.
- Friends who cheer your triumphs and comfort you in times of need.
- Neighbors with friendly smiles and a cup of flour when you’re in a pinch.
- A table overflowing with good food.
- Children who understand true giving, like Frick, who helped cook and serve a meal for those less fortunate and learned how friendship really isn’t about income, and Frack, whose giggle is enough to make anyone’s life better.
- A husband who puts up with a lot and still smiles whenever I come in the door.
- So many more gifts I can’t even count. That is the meaning of true blessing!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!