Merry Christmas!

For today, a little taste of wonderful, courtesy of Charles Dickens. This is Mr. Man’s favorite Christmas story ever. Yes! and the bedpost was his own. The bed was his own, the room was his own. Best and happiest of all, the Time before him was his own, to make amends in! “I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future!” Scrooge repeated, as he scrambled out of bed. “The...
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Happy Hours

One of the more unfortunate clichés brought on by the chick lit wave was that of the Girls’ Night Out–a raucous group of females pounding down the cosmos or lemon drops until one, or several of them, ended up either hooking up with Mr. Right Now or, more likely, throwing up into a bush, on their expensive shoes, or onto Mr. Right. Or some combination thereof. I can’t say I miss those days...
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Trick or Treat!

All Hallow’s Eve–or, in other words, a built in excuse to eat too much candy without guilt. This year, Chez mimi will be disgorging a slightly (only very slightly) naughty Alice in Wonderland and a Rastafarian to ply the neighbors for free goodies. Wonder who’s showing up at the door?In the witch’s kettle: fun size Twix, Milky Way, and Three Musketeers. I probably should have bought...
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Natal Days

My grandfather, accomplished raconteur and all-around gentleman that he was, used to refer to birthdays with the quaint term “natal day” when writing birthday letters and the like. Daddy has picked it up, usually wishing me a happy natal day on one of the cards he sends (one’s always funny, one’s always “a serious card” in honor and mockery of a long-ago Hallmark TV commercial).Well, today is,...
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Biscuit Worthy

I can’t remember where I picked it up, but the Bed/Dinner List game always provides some interesting conversation in that lull between clearing the plates and dishing up the pie. Here’s how you play: Name a well-known man, then say whether he’d be named to the Bed List (i.e., you’d go to bed with him and not kick him out, crackers be damned) or the Dinner List...
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