Overflowing With Blessings

CornucopiaEtymology: Late Latin, from Latin cornu copiae “horn of plenty”This year, like every year, I have so much to be thankful for. This year, like every year, I get so busy worrying about what’s wrong, I forget to be truly grateful for all that’s right. Here are some things I’m thankful for today:A family who sticks together, even when we get on each...
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You can tell it’s fall (even though it’s 90 degrees here) because suddenly, everything in the world is pumpkin-flavored. Lattes. Bagels. Cream cheese. Cheesecakes. Beer. Pancakes. Coffee. Breakfast breads. You name it, it’s pumpkin.All I can say is “blech.”Not a fan of pumpkin. Never have been. Can’t understand why people get all fangirl-squee over the pumpkin...
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Divided by Five

Big doin’s today. Tonight at exactly 9:08 pm (CST), mimi hits the 4-5. I am officially in my mid-forties. Amazingly, it feels not unlike mid-thirties, except I spend a lot more time in the car driving Frick and Frack to music lessons and baseball and softball and what have you. I could stand to lose a few and have ridiculous snow on the roof for a Florida gal, but the wrinkles on my face...
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Happy Easter!

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Bad, Bad Monkey

It’s the eve before we return to school from spring break, and in looking back over the preceding week, I realize that I haven’t posted all. week. long. Guess I took the “break” in spring break quite at face value!Of course, once you join Face, er, Crackbook and get a Black, er, CrackBerry, you realize how easy it is for your attention to become divided! So I blame the...
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