Operation Kerosene Update #3

AmVets came today and took with them five boxes o’stuff. Linens from the aforementioned cleaned-out closet, a lamp and night light from DS’s room that no longer go with the decor, outgrown clothing, and a few odds and ends. Liberating!Unfortch, there’s no break from the endless laundry and floor cleaning that must take place in a regular household, and somehow we’ve lost...
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Operation Kerosene Update #2

The unstuffing and streamlining continues apace. This week, refreshing the restroom. I originally went with a moon and stars motif, partly because of the small children, but also because I have to camouflage a really ugly harvest gold bathtub.This week, the moons and stars have been put to rest, and all that star/moon stenciling has been painted over with restful pale turquoise. We’re...
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All Quiet on the Home Front

The kids are at camp. DH is in Ontario for his Boyz in the Woodz week. That means that I am a-lone. A solo flyer. Four days of nothin’ but mimi.Let’s hope they’re semi-productive, although chillin’ on the sofa with some rom coms is looking pretty good right now…
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Operation Kerosene Update #1

Progress is being made on the home front. After several days of tossing and straightening, I can make one astounding claim: I have a ten year old boy’s room clean. As in party clean. Scary clean. It took a while, but the toys and junk have been winnowed, and about four pounds of sand have been returned to the natural environment (he has got to start emptying his sneakers before he comes...
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Operation Kerosene

We’re finally out of school, so I may now finally turn my attention to my house, aka Clutter Central. We’re talking Defcon 4 with the clutter. I keep threatening to rent a Bobcat, push everything out into the driveway, douse liberally with Kerosene, and toss in a match. Clean, decisive, and probably illegal in the burbs.That leaves Plan B, which is do it the hard way. Go through the...
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