The Bed List/The Dinner List

I am so lame. I have finally dragged my happy butt to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Loved it, of course. Loved these two, too:BED LIST: JOHNNY DEPPThey should just hand this man Oscars and get it over with. He’s amazing. Love the riff on Keith Richards in Pirates of the Caribbean. Love the oddballs he plays–Edward, with his scissor hands; Willy Wonka, with all his...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

BED LIST: TYSON BECKFORDSometimes, words just aren’t adequate.DINNER LIST: CARL HIAASENAny author who’ll take on tourists (Tourist Season), developers (Hoot, for younger readers), sugar growers (Strip Tease), pro bass fishermen (Double Whammy), weathercasters (Stormy Weather), Mickey Mouse (Team Rodent: How Disney Devours the World), and the Florida Lottery (Lucky You) is aces in my...
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Today Would Have Been…

…my grandfather’s 97th birthday. He was a small town doctor in South Carolina, the kind of man you could call on the phone for a diagnosis. One time he told me he hoped I would write a great story. He said, “like Gone With the Wind, something people would enjoy.”This is for sure: she won’t be in hoop skirts and it won’t be set in the Civil War and Lord knows...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

BED LIST: STUART TOWNSENDStuart Townsend doesn’t get nearly the press he should. Yum. I think I fell for him as Dorian Gray in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (which, by the way, is underrated fun as long as you’re willing not only to suspend disbelief, but slip it a mickey and let it crash on your couch for about two hours), but I’m excited I’ll have more...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

By special request (waving to Bubbles!!), I proudly present…BED LIST: JON BON JOVIMy friend Melissa is one die-hard Jersey girl. She’s die-hard in love/lust with Jon Bon Jovi, too. Now I have to admit that normally, the Northeast doesn’t do much for me, being a Southern gal and all, but I have to give her Jon Bon Jovi. He’s hot. He’s talented. He can rock you out...
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