The Bed List/The Dinner List

Awesome, yet so underappreciated…BED LIST: SEAN BEANI don’t know about you, but I was seriously put out when Boromir bit it in The Fellowship of the Ring. I love staring at Sean Bean. I love listening to Sean Bean. I find it difficult to do anything but drool over Sean Bean, even when he’s playing a major bad guy, like he does in Goldeneye and Patriot Games. He’s so much...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

Coupla guys!BED LIST: STEVE CARELLHe’s no virgin, and neither am I. But he is fortyish, smart, and hilarious. And cute, in a non-threatening-guy-in-the-back-row-of-English-class kind of way. I’d do him. And I wouldn’t make him wax first, neither.DINNER LIST: TED ALLENDH and I love Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. My husband flirts with metrosexual territory (although that...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

Soulful selections for a rainy Friday:BED LIST: GARY DOURDANI know several cops, and none of them look this good. Then again, Gary Dourdan is an actor playing a crime scene technician on CSI, but who cares. He can play whatever–and wherever–he wants!DINNER LIST: STEVIE WONDERI have admired Stevie Wonder for years. He’s a true inspiration to countless musicians (india.arie for...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

The thinking woman’s Bed/Dinner List:BED LIST: JEREMY NORTHAMThe best thing about the movie adaptation of Emma (although I have to admit Gwenyth Paltrow did a great job as our erstwhile matchmaking heroine) was Jeremy Northam as Mr. Knightley. Jeremy Northam in anything is wonderful. He tends to choose roles in movies that require a brain, like Gosford Park, Amistad, Carrington and An...
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My Husband is a STUD

DH has fulfilled my dearest wish. I will be taking a hot shower very, very soon.The Movies in 15 Minutes version of the remainder of our Home Depot installation saga: ACT I I don’t feel like synopsizing our earlier trauma again. Read this instead. ACT II Friday evening. Chez mimi is on Day Three of the Hot Water Watch.HD Installer: I’m not touching that thing; it has an energy...
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