The Bed List/The Dinner List

It’s a science fiction double feature!BED LIST: MICHAEL BIEHNRecognize this look? Maybe this will jog your memory: “I came through time for you, Sarah.” My BF Kelly and I have been lusting after Michael Biehn since The Terminator. Aliens only added to our case. He’s even hot as the psycho Special Forces guy in The Abyss. Plus, he’s from Alabama. Sexy and Southern....
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

One superhero and one spy. Of sorts.BED LIST: CHRISTIAN BALEIf I knew how to type out a growling noise, I would type out a growling noise. Dang, that’s pretty. It’s also talented and the latest to fill out the Batsuit (and quite well, I might add). This guy’s a real chameleon, going from Little Women to American Psycho to A Midsummer Night’s Dream to The Machinist, and...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

Some royalty for today! Enjoy!BED LIST: CLIVE OWENLast seen as King Arthur in the, well, bad movie of the same name, Clive Owen is believable as the Once and Future King despite all the bad dialogue and Kiera Knightly in woad. He’s one of the names being bandied about for James Bond (I can see it). British, so gotta love the accent. Rugged, heroic, British–what’s not to...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

DH and I have tickets to the the-ah-tah this evening (actually, to the improv–Dad trods the boards, of a sort, now that he’s retired from boring stuff like computer science), so today’s picks are well-known denizens of the Great White Way.BED LIST: TAYE DIGGSWhoof. Taye Diggs is gorgeous. Great smile, bod that looks carved out of something permanent, like rock, but delicious,...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

I don’t know what it is about the British Isles, but they can churn out some fine looking men! Today’s selections hail from Wales, a tiny country that was most likely home to King Arthur and the whole reason that we include “sometimes Y” in the vowel list. Welsh men to die for:BED LIST: IOAN GRUFFUDThat’s YO-an Griffith to you and me, thankyouverymuch. DH and I and...
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