The Bed List/The Dinner List

Why are we always drooling over movie stars? (Duh, mimi, movies are a visual medium…). No matter. To my knowledge, today’s choices have been together in only one film, but it’s worth it. Put Gods and Monsters on your Netflix queue immediately. It’s no popcorn flick, but it’s amazing. The selections:BED LIST: BRENDAN FRASERForget universal health coverage; Brendan...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

Today’s picks are innovators, pure and simple. BED LIST: DAVE GROHLNormally, the rock ‘n roll look doesn’t do much for me (although I’d make an exception for Jon Bon Jovi–but that’s a pick for another day). In Dave Grohl’s case, though, I’m happy to throw that pickiness out the window. This man is brilliant. I never cared for Nirvana, but I own all...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

Today, we travel to Merry Olde (what is it with that extra “e” anyway?) England four our picks of the week:BED LIST: COLIN FIRTHI know of no woman in the romance writing universe who doesn’t get all fluttery during the Mr. Darcy-gets-out-of-the-bathtub scene in the A&E Pride and Prejudice. Not a few of us have been caught trying to see around that blasted bathrobe, but I...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

DH and I are in love with the movie Down With Love. It’s a love letter to those 60s sex comedies that are all twinkle (heroine) and charm (hero), wrapped up in a bow of good humor and nudge-nudge double entendres. You know, good dialogue and clever writing. Our kind of thing. Anyhoo, I’d be down with these two gentlemen in a heartbeat:BED LIST: EWAN McGREGORMen in kilts are some of...
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The Bed List/The Dinner List

June 1 marks the first day of Gay Pride Month. Central Florida has an interesting relationship with its gay citizens. One one hand, we host one of the biggest gay parties in the country–Gay Days at Disney (not that anyone around here is willing to say so officially). On the other hand, we can’t make up our minds whether to embrace our gay citizens (Orlando does have a lesbian City...
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