Um, Not So Much

I was catching up on my blogroll when I found an intriguing link at Diana’s Diversions to this Publisher’s Weekly post on “The Book Loved by Everyone But You.” Naturally, I had to go and check it out. Amazing! Other people besides me don’t love everything loved by everyone else! In the spirit of full disclosure, a partial list of books other people adore that I...
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Knock It Off With the Chainsaws Already

This week’s cover of Time sure pegged my Pissed-Off-O-Meter. The unsmiling woman in the photo is Michelle Rhee, the chancellor of the Washington, D.C. public schools. She is one no-nonsense broad. She’s determined to make sweeping (hence the broom) changes in the D.C. system, damn the torpedoes.More power to her. The public school system in this country is, let’s just admit it,...
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One thing owning a convertible teaches you is to put things away. Lock them in the trunk, take them with you, whatever, but put ’em away. Especially if you park with the roof down.I’m pretty good about putting things up when I leave the top down. But there are some things I just don’t worry about, like my parking tag, the flower in my vase (Inga is a Beetle, after all), and my...
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Where’s the Moose?

Back in the eighties, Wendy’s released a classic TV commercial. Octogenarian Clara Peller captivated the nation by demanding to know just one little thing about a Wendy’s competitor’s burger: “Where’s the beef?”Sarah-mania (Palin, that is) is now captivating the nation. Palin is, so the reports go, a maverick executive. She takes on corruption and wins. Her...
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Clearly, He’s Never Been in a Real School

Several years ago, the spineless weenies at The Orlando Sentinel decided that Doonesbury was way too political for the comics page, and they shifted it to the editorial section instead. A couple of years ago, a new crop of spineless weenies decided that they were being unfair to the meat-eating red staters ’round these parts and went a-huntin’ for a “conservative” comic...
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