Whooooaaaah…Back on the Chain Gang!!

Not really, but today is the first day of school! Kids are in and excited, and my feet are *killing* me!! That’s what I get for wearing cute shoes with my Day 1 outfit, though. It’s all my fault. I’ll be back in Crocs tomorrow (the ladylike ones, not the clown shoes).So far, pretty good, if you don’t count the network crashing halfway through the day so we couldn’t...
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I <3 School Supplies!

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been way more excited in the Office Depot or the Staples than I have ever been in the shoe department. Yes, I’m warped. But still, there’s something about fresh, new Dixon Ticonderoga pencils, Pink Pearl erasers, and riffly sheets of notebook paper that just gives me the shivers. New school supplies mark the beginning of an...
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IB Pissed

I don’t know about you, but sometimes professional conferences are a pain in my considerable behind. Today’s is no exception. I’m at a gorgeous beach resort–no complaints there–with nice food and a room that’s about a hundred feet from the Gulf of Mexico. Fine. Dandy.What’s not fine, or even approaching dandy, is the veritable avalanche of paper I got...
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Last Day!!

Today is the last day of school…and am I ready!! One more exam to give, then it’s grade grade grade, then clean clean clean, then pack pack pack stuff to work on over the summer because, contrary to popular belief, teachers do not get three months off. Let me repeat that:TEACHERS DO NOT GET THREE MONTHS OFF.The “three months off” canard is one commonly tossed at folks...
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Graduation After Retirement

Congrats to the Class of 2009! Just sat through graduation at my favorite high school, my first after handing my senior class sponsor sash and tiara over to another teacher. Two things today’s experience taught me:Life does go on without me.I am waaaaaaaay critical.Nothing skidded to a halt without me. Everyone got in the O-rena and found a seat. Programs were printed. Speeches were made...
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