Big Yellow…Taxi?

Yesterday, DH broke down and bought Frick a cellphone. I’ve been anti-phone, mostly because this is a kid who can’t find his own shoes half the time, and also because, well, he can’t find his own shoes half the time. I wasn’t too keen on having him have to keep up with a phone. Plus, he loses his natural mind around electronics, so I had these nightmare visions of phones...
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Welcome Back to School! Or Not…

First day of school today! The kids actually popped out of bed this morning and got dressed with very little prodding (or begging, or threats). Got the cute back to school pic, fed them real breakfast–chocolate chip pancakes, thank you very much!–and sent Frick off to the school bus. First day in middle school! Good thing he was early, because so was the bus. Frack is loving being...
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Today was the big go-to-the-Convention-Center-for-some-learnin’ day (aka “Professional Development Day”). These are all-day extravaganzas with breakout sessions and usually a vendor exhibit with all manner of educational items for sale. Not that anyone has any money to buy anything in this lean year, but there you go.So I’m strolling the booths when I get accosted by a...
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Mmm…New Pencil Smell

Teachers go back to school today for pre-planning (which is kind of a redundancy, since “planning” implies something you do ahead of time, but I digress). The first week of school where teachers are back but students aren’t are kind of the back bar of teaching. It’s all the inner workings without all that messy teaching and grading going on. Just the adults, doing their...
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Ten Things That Annoy You About Work

This should be cathartic, since we finished school last week. Here we go:The Living Dead. Teachers who can’t remember why they chose teaching as a career need to pick up stakes and find another homestead.Whining. The lengths to which kids will go to excuse their missing work are incredible.Stuck on Stupid. Policies and people who don’t use actual logic or observation as their basis...
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