Teaching to the Choir

Last night I picked up a copy of an interesting book, Teachers Have It Easy: The Big Sacrifices and Small Salaries of America’s Teachers. Authors Daniel Moulthrop, Nínive Clements Calegari, and Dave Eggars build a case for educational improvement based on treating teachers like the professionals they are, starting with their pocketbooks.Full disclosure: I am a teacher, and I do believe I...
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Back to School

Life’s back to normal, which means early morning craziness, traffic, lunches, nonstop activity, more traffic, and collapse. You know, school’s started. For teachers, anyway.The first week back for teachers is five solid days of meetings, more meetings, and decorating. Fix the room. Run copies. Prepare copies. Run from place to place. Training, training, more training. Meetings again....
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Job Interview

Conservative clothing choice, check.Resume, check.Positive attitude, check.I answer the questions. I look at both of the interviewers. I explain myself. I get to ask questions. Everything seems to go fine. So why am I so nervous?Because in the ultimate wisdom of my state, I may not be good enough to keep teaching at my own school (read: my–and my colleagues’–numbers...
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Graduation Day

Arena rental: $7200Programs: $2500Cap and gown: $45Kicking the Class of 2006 out of the nest: Priceless
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Soakin’ Wet

Seniors + end of year + frivolity + access to water supply = one soaking wet senior sponsor. Luckily, I prepared this time and brought a change of clothes and a very large towel.
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