Ten Ways the World Has Changed Since You’ve Been in School

iPods. We thought cassette tapes were the bomb. Now we can make mixes of anything and download yoga podcasts.Yoga. When I was in school, only weird triple-jointed people did yoga (or so we thought). Good thing we learned more about it, huh?DVDs. Skipping ahead to the good parts (like when Mr. Darcy emerges from the bath all wet and yummy) is so much easier!!Viable minority and female candidates...
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Musings: Shirley Valentine

I can’t remember which female friend advised–nay, DEMANDED–that I watch Shirley Valentine, but apparently it made enough of an impression that I at least added it to the Netflix queue. Shirley arrived this week, and since we’re off from school today, I popped it in.Well, anonymous friend was right. This was a treat. The film is based on a play of the same name by Willy...
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Yoga Meltdown

Threw a fit in yoga class today. Quietly, of course, not to disturb the others in the class, but a fit nonetheless. I sneak in and set up, and the first position off the bat is one that’s impossible for me to do. Virasana–hero’s pose.Bending the knees is no problem. It’s the thighs and calves. All those years of Highland dancing gave me calves like baseballs. They do not...
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You Ain’t No ‘Lectric Elephant

My grandmother, Mama’s mother, was a one-woman force of nature. She was up every day at about 5:30. It seemed like half of those days, she had a pound cake baked and cooling on the counter by the time the rest of the house resurrected itself in time for breakfast. She ran the family farm from the business end, negotiating prices, handling cash, balancing the books. She kept my...
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10 Superstitions, Traditions, and/or Personality Quirks

I always duck my head when I drive under a railroad bridge, especially if there’s a train on it.I kiss two fingers and scratch the roof if I go through a yellow light. Okay, the visor, since Inga’s roof is usually down.I eat M&Ms and Skittles in pairs by color.Purple straw with my Slurpee, thank you.I always call out “Bread and butter!” when I split the pole with...
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