Style, or Lack Thereof

So I’ve been reading style books lately. (My friend Desiree is passing out at the thought at this very moment.) What I’ve realized is that my style and my closet aren’t on close speaking terms.My friend Colleen once told me that the best thing about turning 40 was the ability to say “to hell with it” and mean it. To hell with tasks you don’t want. To hell with...
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DH hates the song “Happy Birthday.” He says that everyone sings it too slowly, so it comes out sounding like a dirge more than the celebratory air it should be. Methinks I agree. I’m a Stevie Wonder “Happy Birthday” kinda gal (moreso than The Beatles’ “Birthday”), which is in no way dirgelike or, come to think of it, clichéd.And on this, my 43rd...
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Practice, Schmactrice

This year, I’ve told myself I’m going to do the better self-care thing, so that means the Thursday afternoon yoga class is on the schedule. Not only can I twist and unkink, but I’ll be able to have dinner at Moe’s after with a bit less guilt.Class today was v. small, probably because it’s the first week of school, and most of the teachers are mental tapioca. No...
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All Quiet on the Home Front

The kids are at camp. DH is in Ontario for his Boyz in the Woodz week. That means that I am a-lone. A solo flyer. Four days of nothin’ but mimi.Let’s hope they’re semi-productive, although chillin’ on the sofa with some rom coms is looking pretty good right now…
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Really Simply Me

Bought myself a treat I haven’t had in a while, an issue of Real Simple magazine. I love this mag, but I’m already drowning in paper, so I’ve cut down on subscriptions. There’s something about Real Simple I’ve always been drawn to. Perhaps its the lovely white space, or the photos, or the fact that it doesn’t make you feel like you’re completely helpless...
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