Yep, Still Blind

So I go to the eye doctor today and find out that, surprisingly, I’m not as blind as I feared. In fact, my eyes are getting better. It’s probably the calm before the storm, as my husband and friends who are doing the hold-the-page-at-arms’-length thing will attest, but it was a nice perk anyway. New contacts are great–no more blinking and dryness, slightly sharper vision....
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Pilates Part Deux

Pilates class again tonight, step one in the “Build a Better mimi” program. Whole different ballgame than the first class I took, which was all on the mat. This time, we get giant rubber balls, stands, stretchy cords. Fun, but I bet I have trouble climbing stairs on Wednesday. By Thursday, when I go to yoga class, I may no longer hinge properly. C’est la vie. All in the name of...
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Irish Yoga

(Yoga at the Crack O’Dawn, get it?)I show up at our local Y on the recommendation of a good friend who is able to go to yoga class twice a week at 6 am. Six am doesn’t work for me normally since I have to be at work at 7:10 on weekdays, but this is spring break. So I go.There’s a sub. The sub is a guy. This is new.Class wasn’t too rough. He’s definitely a new-agey...
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OMG, Pedicure!

I am probably the last woman on the planet (well, in my corner of the planet) who has never had a pedicure. Until today. I had about an hour, I had $25, so I dropped in to the nail salon.Oh. My. Goodness. Not only was a very nice woman rubbing and sloughing and trimming my feet, but the cushy chair I was in had massage. Yum. One tip to me: don’t do this again on the afternoon after the...
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It’s About Time

While my kids were browsing in the library the other day, I picked up the January 16 issue of Time to indulge in total schadenfreude over the Jack Abramoff scandal. I found an interesting bonus, though. The issue also included an extended “Mind and Body” section (obligatory, what with New Year’s Resolutions and all) that included a real gem: “Making the Most of Your...
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