Death on a Waffle

I have just crawled out of an all-nighter coma. Last night was Grad Nite at Disney, and I was lead chaperone.Remember when we all used to wait until 9:30 to get dressed to go out? Having children kicks that ability right out of the system. Now, consciousness at 9:30 is a major accomplishment, especially if a child has fallen asleep against you (better than Unisom).Last night, though, I load up...
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Sally Field Moment

I’m going through DD’s backpack and pull out a piece of paper addressed to me. Open it up, and what do you know–someone out there thinks I might be a good person for the PTA Board.(moment of silence for everyone to stop chuckling)The first thing that flits across my brain is “You like me! You really like me!” You know, that Sally Field burble when she won the Oscar...
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I Suck.

Ever have one of those weeks where nothing you do satisfies you? I’m having one. I look around and can’t find anything to be happy about. I suck at work (don’t have my lesson plans done). I suck at home (place is a wreck, and we’re still finishing up the trim work in the bedroom). I suck in the closet (nothing to wear, and I’m overweight anyhow). I suck health-wise...
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Two Minute Pity Party

I didn’t final in the Golden Heart.Again.While installing our new bedroom floor, I had one ear tuned to the phone, just in case someone from Houston was calling to tell me that Crash Test had finaled in the Novel with Strong Romantic Elements category. The phone rang several times, but none of the calls came from Houston.**sigh**I’ll live. It’s not the first time I’ve...
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As God is my witness…

Desirous of a little time kill on a rainy afternoon, I took the “Which Classic Novel Do You Belong In?” quiz and discovered, to not much surprise, that I should be lounging on the front porch of Tara with the Tarleton twins:Darling, it seems that you belong in Gone with theWind; the proper place for a romantic. Youbelong in a tumultous world of changes andopportunities, where your...
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