Why Today?

My husband is a lovely, lovely man. One of the annoying things he has to put up with is a little game we’ve developed. “Why today?” I’ll ask him, and he’s supposed to respond with one little reason he loves me today. Occasionally, he’ll pop the “Why today? question on me, but usually, he’s the one on the hot seat. Ah, the neuroses of adult love.In...
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Princess mimi

Confession: I own a tiara. Once, after a particularly nasty day at school, I ended up at a friend’s house and told her, “I deserve my own tiara.” I do not have beauty queen envy. I just understand, completely and totally, that I am the Queen of My Own Universe and as such deserve my own tiara.So I bought one. Three and one-quarter inches of blinding rhinestones (if you’re...
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We all have them. Some of mine: Logging onto IMDb every morning to read the trivia, quote, and celebrity dirt du jour. Obsessive reorganization and reading of The Orlando Sentinel every morning (woe be unto you if you snatch a section out of order) Deboning magazines, especially of those godawful perfume inserts Cuticle chewing Eating M&Ms in pairs by color Salting my cocktail napkins (this...
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