She’s Tidied Up, and I Can’t Find Anything!!

I have to say DH totally won the Christmas present sweepstakes. For the past several major events (anniversary, birthday, etc.), he’s asked what I want. Jokingly (not really), I’ve been telling him I want a house elf. You know, my own personal Dobby who will keep things tidy and bring me a sammich when I’m having a snack attack at midnight. Amazingly, he found someone. Her name...
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Closing the book on 2009–it’s been a good year. Interesting. Weird. Frustrating. You know, the usual. I did manage to read 135 books (some re-reads, but mostly new titles). I’m finally unstuck with the current WIP, and even though it’s moving more slowly than I’d like, it’s moving. We took a family trip to Washington, DC (awesome!), rode/survived the train,...
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Happiness is…

“…two kinds of ice cream…finding your skate key…telling the time! Happiness is learning to whistle, tying your shoe for the very first tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!”Sorry! Got a little You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown there, but every time I hear someone say “happiness is,” my brain starts singing. Turns out, according to the CDC, happiness is living in...
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Not. Going. Shopping. Today.

Period.If I’m smart, I won’t even get out of my pajamas.
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Sometimes low tech is the way to go. I keep a little notepad by my sink–the last place I look before I leave the house–to remind me of stuff. This is the notepad I grab when one of those late-night squirrels runs through my brain right when I’m trying to go to sleep. It’s an interesting collection of random…here are a few of the entries (in no particular...
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