
mimi has been a very naughty monkey about keeping up with her blog lately. At least twice a week, she has a brilliant idea for a blog topic, and then whammo! Craziness at home or school and it flies out the ol’ ear nary to return. Now that the pile of grading is no longer casting a shadow so long she believes she lives in permanent shade, mimi should be better about updates. But you know...
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Best Seller ≠ Best Writer

mimi is obsessive when it comes to her reading. If I pick up a book, I generally finish it. Of course, that takes some vetting. I’ll browse an opening chapter or back cover copy before I commit (mimi is not a reading ho). Once I commit, though, I’m in ’til the end. Normally, this is a good thing. Unfortunately, not so much with the book I finished last night.The book in...
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The Gobi Desert

About 150 pages into her last novel, The Buccaneers, Edith Wharton wrote in her diary,What is writing a novel like?1. The beginning: A ride through a spring wood2. The middle: the Gobi desert3. The end: A night with a loverI am now in the Gobi desert.Honey, I’m camped there with you, and I think the camel ran off.One plus to meeting tête-a-tête with Dream Agent at RWA National is the...
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RWA National Recap

Whew! One more RWA National Conference in the rearview mirror. This was a networking year for me, so that meant fewer workshops to report on. Here are some highlights from some of the workshops I did attend:Outwitting a Muse Who Just Won’t Behave – If the girls in the basement (as Barbara Samuel O’Neal is likely to call them) or the squirrels (as I’m likely to call them)...
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#writerfail Redux

For all I adore technology, I’m not a first adopter. It took a couple of years before I finally bought a cell phone, and I was practically the last person I knew to start texting. Although I belong to several email loops, I was a Facebook holdout until recently. I’m still on the fence about Twitter. After reading Jennifer Weiner’s post about Alice Hoffman and how not to use...
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