We don’t watch much TV at Chez mimi (not having cable will do that to you), but we’re lined up and ready on Wednesday nights for CSI: NY. And let me just say it’s no hardship whenever Det. Flack walks by, usually spouting some smart remark. The twinkly eyes and hard bod don’t hurt, either. Yum.

Several years ago, I bought classroom subscriptions for The Nation and National Review to use so my students could identify political slant. Because of those, I receive lots of political mail–and one of those was a fundraising letter for Senate candidate Al Franken. The letter began, “Dear Person I’m Asking for Money.” I laughed out loud. How many incumbents would be that straightforward? Now that Mr. Franken has been certified as Minnesota’s Senator-elect after a loooooooooong process, it’ll be interesting to see what happens when a very smart man with a very sharp sense of humor joins the stodgy house. I’d love a sneak preview of that!!
About time Al got to Washington! He’s definitely on my dinner list. That list for me includes so many funny men! As long as they don’t make me laugh while I have food in my mouth;-)