The Bed List/The Dinner List

New Friday, new selections. Submitted for your approval:


At the famous dinner party wherein I met Dream Agent, we’d gone a round or two when one of the servers walked in and offered her choice: “Matthew McConaughey. I could sop him up with a biscuit!” Since then, “Biscuit-Worthy” has been an ultimate compliment among my close girlfriends. He sure is. That grin! That six-pack! Plus, any guy who feels comfortable enough to play the bongo drums naked is a guy who’s probably comfortable enough to do lots of interesting things, if you get my drift. Hazel, get the flour. Let’s bake us some biscuits!


I read somewhere that Jon Stewart is the thinking woman’s sex symbol. Have you picked up a copy of America: The Book? It’s a scream (and those folks in Mississippi were so overreacting at the “Dress the Justices” interactive activity). Love the forward by none other than Thomas Jefferson. When Jon pulled the media equivalent of a bitch-slap on that gum-flapping, bowtie-wearing Tucker Carlson on Crossfire, I had to watch it twice, I was laughing so hard the first time. There’s always the danger that, during dinner, he’ll say something so funny you snort marinara sauce up your nose, but it would be worth it. For dessert? What the hell. Have a serving of Jon. He’s a good choice for the bed list!


  1. Um, hello! I called Jon Stewart last week!

  2. Ah, but you called him for the bed list, as I recall! 😉

  3. Nope, definitely dinner. ben Browder was bed list.

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