The Bed List/The Dinner List
Posted by mimi on Feb 25, 2005 in dish | 4 commentsThis is a little game I like to play with my girlfriends. I can’t remember where I picked it up, but it always provides some interesting conversation in that lull between clearing the plates and dishing up the pie. I happened to launch a round of the Bed/Dinner List game at a large dinner during a local RWA conference, a dinner that happened to be attended by dream agent. Let’s just say that dream agent never forgot that night!
Here’s how you play: Name a well-known man, then say whether he’d be named to the Bed List (i.e., you’d go to bed with him and not kick him out, crackers be damned) or the Dinner List (you’d love to have dinner with him, but not necessarily hook up for post-dessert activities, if you get my drift). Once you’ve called a guy, no one else can name him during that round. It gets interesting!
It’s Friday night, a time when people are thinking of extracurricular activities, so I think this should become a Friday tradition here at the dish. Feel free to comment on my choices!
I don’t know about you, but Hugh Jackman is one prime piece of Australian real estate. Reasons Hugh makes the grade:
- Good looks
- Great smile
- Wonderful voice (have you heard him sing?)
- Devoted to his wife, an older woman (how cool is that?)
- Looks good in black leather and claws (X-Men, anyone?)
Hugh gets my vote. How about yours?
Steve Martin is one of the funniest men on the planet. In addition to being hilarious, he’s well-read, interesting, smart, and plays the banjo. Plus, he works that white hair thing to his advantage. Gotta love a guy who’s not afraid to dress up like an Egyptian, wear bunny ears, or let Queen Latifah clean his clock. And he acts. And writes books. Did I mention that he’s hilarious? Dinner with Steve Martin would be a kick!
Hey! My comment disappeared! Okay, trying again:
Bed List: Ben Browder, because, as I posted to my blog in january, he’s H-O-T *hot*.
Dinner List: Jon Stewart. Ha, called him!
okay, for me, bed list would be Richard Gere, dinner list would be Steve Martin, too! What fun!
Can we call more than one? Hmmm… since I just saw him on Oprah the other day and his eyelashes and ‘innocent’ grin charms me, I’d have to say at this particular time, Ashton Kucher for the BED.
For the dinner — what man would I want to pick his brain? Hmmm… Aidan Quinn, but then I’d probably want to #$% him after our dinner because I find him so … interesting, and he’s got a really sexy voice too
OOps, sorry about the typo on previous entry CHARMS should have been CHARM. Also, can I ‘borrow’ this game for my site? Is that kind of thing ok? I’ll publish your link too?