The Bed List/The Dinner List


*sigh* He just gets better looking as he gets older. And I think I prefer him older. Given a choice between the Richard Gere of An Officer and a Gentleman (who’s a bit of a jerk, truth to tell) and the Richard Gere who twinkles and tap dances his way through Chicago as smooth-talking lawyer Billy Flynn, I throw myself on the mercy of the court.


Lots of talk buzzing about Sen. John Edwards this week, largely because of his wife (the trĂ©s cool Elizabeth Edwards). I’d love to sit down and chat with him–her, too, because aside from all the political stuff and the background stuff (he’s a Carolina boy like my Daddy), the two of them seem to have figured out one of the great questions of life, which is how to build and maintain a strong marriage. Seems more people in the country could use a sit-down on that subject. Considering that they’ve been married as long as they have through as much as they have, they’d be a great pair to learn from.

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