The Bed List/The Dinner List


There’s just something about Australian men, something very mad, bad, and dangerous to know. But they’re friendly and approachable at the same time (a volatile mixture, to be sure). I don’t know about you, but my inner teen fell in love with Heath Ledger in Ten Things I Hate About You. Conditions worsened with successive movies, but he won my grownup, English teacher heart in A Knight’s Tale, of all things. The movie is so anti-Chaucer, it’s marvelous. And Heath? Something about dressing like the Rolling Stones and dancing in a medieval banquet hall to Bowie’s “Golden Years” lets you know that this is a guy who doesn’t take himself too seriously, even if he is getting the crap jousted out of him.


“The passing of an era” doesn’t get much more profound than when you’re talking about Koppel stepping away from the Nightline desk. Normally, I’m crashed by the time he comes on, but you have to respect someone who’s done the job as long as he has. He’s knocked heads with network folks (remember his plans to read the names of the soldiers killed during the Iraq War?) and maintained the respect of nearly everyone in broadcasting. That’s some feat, considering that “news broadcasting” seems to be becoming more of the “how well can we get across the message we like better” every day. I think Ted and I would find enough to talk about to last us through dessert and even breakfast.

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