The Bed List/The Dinner List
Posted by mimi on Jul 22, 2005 in dish | 0 commentsSome royalty for today! Enjoy!
Last seen as King Arthur in the, well, bad movie of the same name, Clive Owen is believable as the Once and Future King despite all the bad dialogue and Kiera Knightly in woad. He’s one of the names being bandied about for James Bond (I can see it). British, so gotta love the accent. Rugged, heroic, British–what’s not to love?
I’m so glad Prince is back to being Prince, since it’s tedious to have to write “The Artist Formerly Known as Prince” and impossible to spell that symbol he went by a few years ago. Regardless of what you call him, the man is a genius. I’ve been listening to 1999 on the CD player and totally reliving Friday nights in college (totally dating myself now, but oh well!). Brilliant guitarist, inventive, personable. Dinner, then the club.