I don’t know what it is about the British Isles, but they can churn out some fine looking men! Today’s selections hail from Wales, a tiny country that was most likely home to King Arthur and the whole reason that we include “sometimes Y” in the vowel list. Welsh men to die for:
That’s YO-an Griffith to you and me, thankyouverymuch. DH and I and the kids were treated to some sneak preview tix for Fantastic Four last Thursday, so I got plenty of time to watch Ioan work that blue bodysuit. Fantastic! He does an American accent very well, but you know the Welsh lilt has to be the parlance for the boudoir. Friends tell me I must check out his performances in the Hornblower series on A&E. Master, Command me!
Here’s a man as erudite as he is talented. Sir Anthony isn’t one to lord his achievements over others; he prefers to be called “Tony.” His silky voice creeps in every time I spot a bottle of Chianti on the shelf (The Silence of the Lambs, anyone?), and his presence in a film is always welcome. He’s interesting to watch, and would be doubly so to talk to. Chianti, Tony? (No liver or fava beans for me, thanks.)
Ioan Griffith is gorgeous. I’ve loved him since Hornblower. Hie thee to a video store near you and rent a movie called Solomon and Gaenor where he plays a jewish guy in Wales in the early twentieth century. Or 102 Dalmatians.