The Bed List/The Dinner List

Today’s picks are innovators, pure and simple.


Normally, the rock ‘n roll look doesn’t do much for me (although I’d make an exception for Jon Bon Jovi–but that’s a pick for another day). In Dave Grohl’s case, though, I’m happy to throw that pickiness out the window. This man is brilliant. I never cared for Nirvana, but I own all of the Foo Fighters‘ CDs. Dave can do it all–and on the first Foo CD, he did; he played drums, guitar, bass, and sang all the vocals. After that CD sold a healthy number of copies, he found a band to support it. I’ve been wearing out my new copy of In Your Honor in the car, on the computer, on DH’s iPod… Plus, he’s hot. Beard, clean-shaven, soul patch, don’t care. I’ll take him.


Steve Jobs tilts against windmills. How would you like to wake up every morning and go mano a mano against the Evil Empire? Steve, though, loves a challenge. Apple Computer may be small, but it is mighty. Best design in the business? Check. Strongest operating system? Check. Cool factor? Check and double check. Hell, if you can get U2 to certify a special edition iPod, you’ve got it (whatever it is). When I sell a book, I am going to make Steve Jobs’ stock price go up.

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