The Bed List/The Dinner List

Today, we travel to Merry Olde (what is it with that extra “e” anyway?) England four our picks of the week:


I know of no woman in the romance writing universe who doesn’t get all fluttery during the Mr. Darcy-gets-out-of-the-bathtub scene in the A&E Pride and Prejudice. Not a few of us have been caught trying to see around that blasted bathrobe, but I digress. Hey, there’s a reason Bridget Jones herself has a Mr. Darcy fixation, and that’s Colin Firth. Second only to the bathtub (first in the hearts of the true romantics) is the mangled-Portuguese marriage proposal in Love Actually. We’re not just infatuated with Colin. It’s love, actually.


Anybody who willingly goes by the moniker “The Naked Chef” wins cool points in my book. Even cooler, though–aside from his obvious love for his wife and family–is his attitude toward cooking (more fun! less pretension!) and his willingness to address (ahem) meatier issues. His show Jamie’s Kitchen helps young Londoners who might not have considered a culinary career–hell, who might not have considered any career–and train them as chefs. Better still is his new passion, shaming the British school food establishment. He’s taking them to task on bland and downright nasty school food in Channel 4’s Jamie’s School Dinners. Read why at his website Feed Me Better. Hey Jamie–I have a largish urban school system in Central Florida that could seriously use your input…

1 Comment

  1. Mmmmmm, Colin Firth. There is no one more broodingly sexy than him. My favourite scene is when he comes out of the lake, or when he hands her the letter explaining everything, or when he looks at her playing the piano…

    Okay, I just love him….we’ll keep it at that!

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