The Bed List/The Dinner List
Posted by mimi on Jun 2, 2005 in dish | 0 commentsJune 1 marks the first day of Gay Pride Month. Central Florida has an interesting relationship with its gay citizens. One one hand, we host one of the biggest gay parties in the country–Gay Days at Disney (not that anyone around here is willing to say so officially). On the other hand, we can’t make up our minds whether to embrace our gay citizens (Orlando does have a lesbian City Commissioner, after all) by flying rainbow flags from our decorative lampposts or distance ourselves from them, since flying rainbow flags apparently invokes the wrath of God. We like gays, so we get hurricanes, or so Pat Robertson claimed, in one of his dumber, more insensitive moments.
I’m with the rainbow flag coalition, thanks to some wonderful gay friends and my more wonderful gay brother, so this edition of the Bed/Dinner List has a twist–the ladies I’d pick if I were so inclined.
I don’t usually go for bad boys, but if I played on the other side of the street, I’d be all over Angelina Jolie. There’s just something about her–her balls to the wall attitude, her compassion (she’s a UNICEF ambassador), her fearlessness–that makes me willing to overlook the spooky stuff, like the blood vials and marrying Billy Bob Thornton. If Brad Pitt does have something going with Angelina, I can understand that. Next to Angelina, Jennifer Aniston is a size-zero, well, zero.
I enjoy funny people. Ellen Degeneres is funny people. We share a love for pantsuits and dancing. She knows the highs (Emmys) and lows (cancellation) of show business. She certainly knows relationship heartbreak, so we could dish. Plus, I could have her teach me how to speak whale.