The Bed List/The Dinner List

Sometimes, consistency rises above its “hobgoblin of little minds” status. Case(s) in point:


Here’s the King, in all his brooding Ranger glory. If you missed out on Peter’s Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, you missed a treat. This is one time when I go back on my unwashed men rule and agree to hurl myself headlong onto someone who probably could use a good shower and a shave. But what decent maiden, elven or otherwise, can resist the Heir to the throne of Gondor? He’s got the most beautiful woman in the world pining for him and giving him symbolic jewels and the most ass-kicking thronemaiden in Middle Earth willing to throw down with orcs and wargs to take a crack at him (although ending up with Faramir isn’t a bad consolation prize). Hell, I’d take on both Arwen and Eowyn in a cage match to be able to sidle up with Aragorn, son of Arathorn. I’ll just ask, nicely, for one of those awesome Rivendell makeovers first.


Cleans up good, doesn’t he? With a name like “Viggo Mortensen,” you’re expecting someone out of the ordinary, and this guy delivers. He speaks English, Spanish, Danish, and some Swedish and Norwegian, writes, paints, and plays jazz, mounts photography exhibits… He’s lived all over the world and done things as varied as translating for the Swedish national hockey team during the 1980 “Miracle” Winter Olympics and owning a small publishing company. Does this man sleep? Dinner definitely. Viggo for dessert.

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