I didn’t final in the Golden Heart.
While installing our new bedroom floor, I had one ear tuned to the phone, just in case someone from Houston was calling to tell me that Crash Test had finaled in the Novel with Strong Romantic Elements category. The phone rang several times, but none of the calls came from Houston.
I’ll live. It’s not the first time I’ve been shot down by the GH. Hell, I’ve been shot down every time I’ve entered the GH. I should be used to this by now. I’m just not contest material, apparently.
On the other hand, I am on loops with several people who have finaled in the GH and the Rita, which is great. It is possible to be peeved on your own behalf and thrilled for someone else, even if those someone elses are taking up all the finalist spots. (And if the readers don’t have the good sense to finally give Kathleen O’Brien the Rita she so richly deserves, I may have to pimp-slap somebody.)
Grr. Whine. Nobody loves me. Everybody hates me. I think I’ll go eat worms.
Okay, I’m over it. Two minutes are up. Back to your regularly scheduled blog.
LOL! Thanks for the compliment, but no slapping anyone, please! Being nominated in such talented company is honor enough for anyone! Sounds so cliche, doesn’t it? But while we may all scoff at the Oscar nominees who say that on TV, at a moment like this it’s easy to see how sincere they probably all are. There’s something about the revered name of Nora Roberts that humbles anyone!
And forget that pity party! When you sell (which should be soon, judging from the great piece I heard yesterday!), the memory of the Golden Heart will be an insignificant blot on your psyche. Like an old scar you rub at sometimes and say, “hmmm…wonder where I got that?”